Saturday, March 24, 2012

R.I.P. to Ignorance: Another look into the Trayvon Martin... Bandwagon

As this Trayvon Martin case continues to spiral out of control, I feel forced to put my 20 cents into the mix. I’ve been looking into this case a little bit since I heard about it last week. Since that time I have seen a plethora of ridiculousness on various sites such as YouTube, Twitter, and especially Facebook. Everything from  comparing Trayvon’s case to the Michael Vick case from several years ago to holding parties “in memory of Trayvon”.
I’m just not understanding this mindset.

Let me start with the first onset of ridiculous behavior:
I first peeped this comparison photo on Monday and have since been experiencing a migraine. 

 Let’s analyze why this is so inaccurate right quick.   

  1. Michael Vick’s case took place in Virginia and involved dogs. vs. Trayvon’s death took place in Florida and involved the killing of a 17-year old boy.
  2. Michael Vick was not charged or sentenced until several months of investigation (if not a year and some change) took place vs. Trayvon’s case took place less than a month ago.
  3. And the FINAL most important thing to note... Mike Vick did not just "know" about the dog fighting... Vick organized and funded the dog fighting organization for a significant period of time... He admitted to as much in his autobiography as well as his BET special a few years ago.
I’m sensing that EVERYone who “shared” or “reblogged” that photo didn't do a BIT of research. So, now that we have that cleared away... let's not compare these two again...

Oh, and I'm concerned that some have no understanding of how our criminal justice system works. 
 For instance:
    1.  Virginia state laws differ from Florida state laws and how Virginia would have handled this death may be vastly different. 
    2. I would think that we would not want a speedy trial or investigation due to the seriousness of this case. I say this because there will only be ONE change for Zimmerman to get convicted once he is charged.  If the investigation is sped up and there is not enough evidence gathered to convict Zimmerman, although he, in fact (and this is not my opinion per say) did murder Trayvon, we’re going to be looking at an acquittal which… my dear, dear friends, would mean he can NEVER be charged for Trayvon's death again. 
I’m just going to let that sink in a little longer….

Alright… you getting anything from this yet??
Let’s go another route…
Zimmerman is NOT white. *gasps*
In FACT Zimmerman is more of a minority than Trayvon. *double gasp*

Let’s view this photo right quick.

Now’ let’s view this article:

Peep the description of Zimmerman as “white Hispanic” as in… this young man is mixed with white and Latino…
And before you say… “He’s still white” I’ll beg to differ and leave it at that because I’m pretty sure on the Census we ALL filled out 2 years ago you are either “White/Non-Hispanic” or “Hispanic” so that’s all I’m going to say.
(I'll refrain from making further comments about the ONE mugshot photo of Zimmerman being the only one currently circulating OR that the only pictures of Trayvon appear to be from when he was about 13-15 instead of the 17 year old that he was... that's another post altogether) 

*lets that sink in as well*

Okay… now that I have finished with that little tidbit, let me go into the second picture I have seen this week that made me want to smack EVERYone who shared it on Facebook:

I don’t thinks I REALLY need to comment on this, but I’m just going to say that SOMETIMES you people do THE most with controversy… making serious matters, EXTREMELY ignorant and this is a prime example.

Here’ another that I posted on my Facebook earlier this week as well:

*deep sigh*

The last complaint I have currently is how some people have managed to take President Obama's statement on the case out of context. To me, he just confirmed what I mentioned earlier... It is IMPERATIVE that we allow this investigation to take place due to the seriousness of this matter. 

I really do think it is best that everyone let it go for a second. DO NOT FORGET! Just stop talking about it and let the investigation continue. Hop off of the Bandwagon! Better yet, DON'T LET THIS BE A BANDWAGON like Jena 6 or KONY 2012.

I think I’ll take a brief break to gather my thoughts before I continue…

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