Monday, July 12, 2010

What You Ask Of Me

"Latinos work jobs that most Americans won't work in order to make sure they survive. They also live all together to make bills cheaper per person. They do this so that their children will have a better life. But Black people complain about what they don't have. We didn't get here by being individualistic like we are." These are the ideas that float in many people's heads when they discuss the reasons why so many Black people live in poverty. I must say, I am one of the many people who have been arguing this same thing for years. I have also made it a point to say the other side of this... Black people know better. Black people know what it is they deserve as a U.S. Citizen and THAT is why they will not work a job that does NOT offer them benefits like health care and a salary; that will NOT provide them with basic needs without using governmental assistance. I still believe that our new found individualism has been at our detriment, but I have also argued that Black people have the belief that the reason White people have their privilege is because of the money they have. I think that the real reason is their access to information.Either way it is important to remember that Black people have worked those jobs... For the past 350 years. Not because they wanted a better life, but because they had no choice but to do so. They have had to put aside their dreams so that, maybe, their children will be able to live theirs. This is fact.

What you are asking me to do:

You are asking me to continue, in 2010, to watch my white "peers" continue to receive better education, which leads to better secondary education, which leads to a better job, & more money to better provide for their families, but put aside my dreams so that maybe my kids will have a better life? You are asking me to sacrifice myself so that the next generations may have better opportunities? But I was told I could be anything I wanted to be! I was told we ALL have the same opportunities now! I was taught that all I have to do is go to school & I will be better. Now you say, maybe I need to work a little harder than my white "peers" to get where I want to be in life. I have to know the "right" information to work around the system. But how do I get this information if the schools don't give it to me? How do I know this information when my school is being funded by my fellow impoverished peers? Do they know the information? Then why are they still living in poverty? Why don't white people have to search for this information? Why don't they have to work a little harder to receive it? But I have to be willing to sacrifice for my children. Still? In 2010? I can't dream of greatness? I just have to dream of making enough money so that my children will eventually be able to go to college.

That is what you are asking of me? I STILL have to sacrifice? I have to watch these people gain so much success, but because I am Black I STILL cannot share in this? In 2010???

How is this supposed to be fair? How is this right? You are asking me to be content with the idea that I will have to struggle for the rest of my life, just so my children will have a larger glimpse at one? You cannot honestly believe that would be encouraging… I know that that is the burden that Black people have to bear and one I am willing to, but it is unfair to expect that of everyone. To this I know that world is not fair, but just think about how disheartening this is. What I’m trying to say is… that I get it. I get why people have that desire not to struggle anymore and are tired of having to do so. I get that you get tired of being Black sometimes. It’s exhausting and sad and hard. But… I also get that it’s not about us… even in 2010… it’s not about how we’re going to end up. It IS, however, about our future; the future of Black people. It IS about how well they will end up. I think if our current state in the U.S. says nothing else, it should let us know that the struggle is not over and it is not going to be over until we ALL can stand together and say we want better and that we are going to struggle together to make sure our future children get it.

I mentioned in a previous blog that I am reading a book by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and that it has inspired more than a little blog ideas. This was one of them and I will write a few more that piggy back off of this. Leave a comment to let me know what you think about my “epiphany”.

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