Saturday, February 1, 2014

When Fear Becomes You

Fear is such the little punk. It may just be one of the worst things to exist. It's a catalyst for disappointed, doubt, and self-destruction. And it's also pretty powerful. There have been so many times when I have let fear dictate my life and I realize that it is truly THE struggle.

I've feared failure, judgement, rejection, & even success. It's funny though, because even when I recognize the fear for what it is, I still manage to ignore it and the accompanied need to change my thinking. This, of course, leads to the  originally feared result.
A self-fulfilled prophecy if you will.

Even with me doing my blog, okay, especially with doing my blog... I get afraid of ALL of those things. So, as a result nothing happens and then I get disappointed and mad because I didn't put myself out there. The same can even be said for my weight-loss journey. In the past I mentioned that I feared success when it came to this area and although I reached a few milestones in the past, I let fear (and pride) come back into my life and I've reaped the results.
This has been me for the past few years.

As a writer and as a person I've seen my growth, but I've somehow convinced myself that it's not worth exposing. I've had many successes (and failures), but i allowed doubt to grow in my mind and didn't share what I've veen learning. I love that so many of us have the ability to inspire & encourage one another and I've become passionate about being a part of that. But still... i didn't stay committed.
As this new year gets into full swing I have been increasingly confronted with not only the need to change, but the idea of just working towards fulfilling my destiny.

So... here I am, continuing this journey of destiny fulfillment and I'm making it a point to focus on those things I've grown to be increasingly passionate about through the years. Those things that I've determined I will never give up on, no matter how many times I may fall.
And I'm making it a point to not stress over the things I can't control, but rather I'm just going to be honest and do what I do best.
God has given me gifts & with that I have a responsibility to do what I can with these gifts to glorify Him.

And that is exactly what I intend to do.

2 Timothy 1:7 NLT || For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

-Benita (:

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