Friday, November 14, 2014

Well... I CARE || Mentoring

Did you know that January is National Mentoring Month?!

Well, it is.
In my last post I emphasized the importance of getting involved in our communities in order to affect change. That's a big deal. However, there are multiple ways to get involved. And mentoring is one of my long-term favorites.
Since I was a junior in high school mentoring has been a big part of my life. Not because I had a mentor, but because I've been one. Formally (as a part of an organization) and informally. Through the various experiences I had as a mentor my passion for this role was ignited.
In 2009 I accepted an intern position at Virginia Mentoring Partnership and it was through that experience that I got a behind the scenes look at what it's like to start a mentoring organization. It was truly one of my favorite experiences.

Now, as a youth leader in my church and a case manager for children, I get to do that role in so many different ways...

But that's me.

Today, there are thousands of youth across the nation who are in need of a mentor, but... There's no one there.
People often assume that organizations that we know about are all set to meet that need, but the reality is... They have about 10x as much demand than they can supply. In other words, there are at least 10 youth to every volunteer mentor. And given many people can't afford the time it takes to mentor one child for a year... That's a LONG wait list.
I, myself, have submitted applications for mentors 2years ago... And we're still waiting to hear back.
And we'll probably be waiting for a whole.
Sadly, this trend is not unusual. As an intern, 5 years ago, we got way more calls looking for a mentor organization than we ever got for volunteers.
As such, you see a lot more programs that are school-based and that do group mentoring than you do individual or one-on-one. It's beneficial, but not as much as it could be.

It's my desire, in the near future, to start my own organization to be a part of the change I want to see, but there's got to be one thing... Volunteers.

I urge my peers to step out and be a part of someone's life. If you commit to just one year of consistency. Doing anything from watching a movie, to going to a museum, to watching a sports game... You're presence will be felt.

Just know:
Mentoring is not about you being a "role model" or a parent.
It's not about You at all.

Mentoring is about being a positive influence... a voice of encouragement... a friend...
It's about Them.

Opportunities are endless. I listed a few of the larger websites below, but there are SO many options. Look in your church, local schools, or be an informal mentor to a kid in need.
And... If you're like me, and watch to start an organization on your own... Visit the MENTOR website and get connected. They offer FREE trainings for people seeking to start their own organization and for all of the volunteers.

Let me know how it goes & I'll definitely keep you posted on my end.

Stay Blessed.
-Benita (:



Big Brothers Big Sisters of America


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